An international scientific and practical conference on " Directions of capacity building and development of life insurance in Uzbekistan"

An international scientific and practical conference on " Directions of capacity building and development of life insurance in Uzbekistan"

In order to ensure the implementation of the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 23, 2021 No. 5265 "On additional measures to digitalize the insurance market and develop the life insurance industry”, to identify trends and prospects for the development of the life insurance industry, an international scientific and practical conference on " Directions of capacity building and development of life insurance in Uzbekistan" will be held in cooperation with Tashkent financial institute and The ministry of economy and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan on November 3, 2023.


Topics for discussion at the conference (Sessions):


Section 1. Priority directions of increasing the capacity and accelerated development of life insurance.


Section 2. Issues of popularization and expansion of the life insurance industry in the national insurance market.


Section 3. Issues of the passage of digitization processes in the insurance market and the implementation of advanced information technologies in the industry.


Section 4. The role of the insurance services market in the financial system in Uzbekistan and its impact on the development of the national economy


The international scientific and practical conference is attended by professors, specialists, doctoral students, independent researchers and talented students of foreign and local higher education, scientific research institutions, as well as Ministry of economy and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, management staff and specialists of insurance companies. Scientific articles and abstracts for participation in the conference are accepted until October 10, 2023.


The procedure for processing submitted articles and materials presented at the conference:


Conference materials should be in electronic form in Word 2003, 2007, 2010 format, text font should be written in Times New Roman, font size 14 size, page margins should be 3.0 cm from the left, 2 cm from the top and bottom and 1.5 cm from the right. The main text should be located at a distance of 1 cm from each other, the beginning of the line - 1 cm, adjusting the width of the lines, translating a word to another line - should be performed automatically. The volume of the submitted scientific article can be up to 5 pages, and the volume of the thesis can be up to 3 pages. Articles and theses are checked through the antiplagiarism program. Conference materials are accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English. The amount of compensation for expenses for the publication of the collected materials and organizational contribution was set at 30,000 sum per page. At the end of the plenary session, conclusions and proposals are discussed and final recommendations are adopted. The organizing committee has the right to select theses and articles.


The materials of the conference are recommended for publication in the journals which are listed in The supreme attestation commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign journals (like Scopus and Web of Science) after examination.


Address: Tashkent city, Amir Temur street, 60-A.


Responsible for the conference: the department of "Insurance and pension business".


Phone: +99890 950 22 08 (A. Kholbaev)




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17:12 / 2023-09-05
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