Tashkent Institute of Finance in the cooperation with the Tashkent City Emergency Management Department organized training workshops on "Preparing the population for the correct response to earthquakes"

Tashkent Institute of Finance in the cooperation with the Tashkent City Emergency Management Department organized training workshops on "Preparing the population for the correct response to earthquakes"

On March 28, 2019 in the hall of the Tashkent Institute of Finance was held training seminar on "Preparation of the population for the correct action during the earthquake", in collaboration with the Accounting and audit faculty and employees of the Tashkent City Emergency Management Department.

In this seminar head of Tashkent city Emergency Management department “Center of preparing citizens and chairmans” lieutenant A. Rustamov, commander rescuer senior lieutenant  M.Mirkarimov, head teacher of “Center of preparing citizens and chairmans” N. Smailov and chairman of teachers U. Rajabov, head of the department of labor protection M.Yuldasheva, depityof dean of faculty "Accounting and audit" S.Sherov, coaches and students of the faculty of Accounting and auditing participated

The seminar-training provided students with a profound understanding of the situation, such as the circumstances of the earthquake, the destruction of buildings and structures, the occurrence of numerous firefighting holes, the emergence of infectious diseases, and the destruction of communal and transport infrastructures in populated areas. It is important for students to know how to prepare them for proper actions during earthquakes and to improve their knowledge and skills.

At the end of the seminar, the students took part in the practical seminar organized in the yard of our institute. The participants were informed about the rescue equipment, their structure and operation procedures. At the same time, the participants received all the answers to their questions.


15:36 / 2021-01-06
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