An event on the topic “The Constitution is the key to our prosperous life” was held

An event on the topic “The Constitution is the key to our prosperous life” was held


On December 4, the Department of Valuation and Investments of the Faculty of Budget Accounting and Treasury held an event on the topic “The Constitution is the guarantee of our prosperous life”, dedicated to the day of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 8.







Professors and teachers of the Tashkent State University of Law, Doctor of Law, Prof. Nasirkhodjaeva Gulnora Abdukakhkharovna, Doctor of Law, Prof. Yunusova Minavar Sabirovna and Doctor of Law, associate professor Jumaniyozova Dilfuza Kamalovna were invited to this event as guests. Also, the event was attended by the dean of the faculty R.Saidov, professors and teachers of the department “Valuation and Investment” and 70 students.






Speakers at the event explained that the Constitution is a powerful means of protecting all people living on this land, regardless of nationality, language, religion, that in independent Uzbekistan a person, his life, freedom, honor, dignity and other inviolable rights are considered the highest value. The event participants focused their opinion on the fact that the state acts on the basis of the principles of social justice and legality, striving for the well-being of people and society.





17:04 / 2023-12-04
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