The solemn event "Graduate - 2021" was held in the main building of the institute dedicated to the awarding of diplomas to bachelors who successfully graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Finance in the 2020-2021 academic year.
Officials of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank, executives of banking and financial institutions operating in the country and parents of graduates participated at the event.
Tashkent Institute of Finance is a higher education institution that trains highly qualified personnel for the banking and financial sector of the republic. Today, the staff trained by the Tashkent Institute of Finance works in all sectors of the economy.
It is noteworthy that the number of pre-orders for the recruitment of graduates by banking and financial institutions, which are their customers, is growing from year to year.
Diplomas were solemnly presented to all bachelors at the event.
A total of 1,549 students successfully graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Finance this academic year.
In particular, 1009 students in 13 educational directions of bachelor, 385 students of corresponsence education and 155 masterstudents graduated from the institute.
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13:43 / 2021-06-16